Chattanooga CVB Tradeshow

Saving the day and honoring the good guys was LEO’s mission with a clever spin on a “superheroes” tradeshow theme. More than 70 care packages later, we'd say it was mission accomplished.

The Chattanooga CVB called upon LEO to use its own superpowers for good to design and produce a superheroes-themed booth for the CVB for the annual Tennessee State Association Executives (TNSAE) tradeshow.

Going beyond the traditional imagery of Superman and Batman, LEO took a more community-spirited, warm-hearted approach with the “Be a Hero, For a Hero.” concept to support a Chattanooga-area deployed militia group. During the tradeshow, we “enlisted” guests and charged them with the task of personally filling care packages with the group's requested items (purchased beforehand by local businesses and hotel partners) and then writing a message to a soldier. Were we on target with our mission? Yes, sir. More than 70 packages were sent overseas to the local militia group. The concept was so well received during the tradeshow that plans include expanding the event to downtown Chattanooga as part of a larger community show of support during future holiday seasons.



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